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Tyler K

hometown Pleasantville, NY
4 Year Camper • 2016-2019
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I am so happy I decided to go to Camp Walt Whitman for the past 2 summers. One of my favorite things is the fact that I made great friends and was able to hang out with them all day and night. I also like that there is no time to be bored because there are always fun activities going on.  I love playing sports like basketball, soccer, baseball and tennis. There is a big lake called Lake Armington where I like to do a lot of things. My favorite thing to do at the lake is to go polar bearing every morning. That is when you head to the lake as soon as reveille sounds. You go to the end of the dock and jump in and swim to the beach and then go back to your bunk to get ready for breakfast. I was excited to get the polar bearing t-shirt at the end of the summer because I polar beared every day! I also love to do the lake swim, which is when we swim a mile across the lake. It is also so much fun to just hang out in the lake and catch newts or go boating. It is cool that I get to do things at camp that I never do at home. I loved being in the play, even though I’ve never done anything like that at home. There are lots of cool things to do in the arts like woodshop and ceramics. While every day at camp is fun, some days are even better, like Halloween, the Olympics and Visiting Day!  Camp goes by so fast and I can’t wait for next summer to be here so I can go back.