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Nate B

hometown Rye, NY
3 year camper • 2017-2019
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A Great Place to Be

At first when I decided to go to camp I felt very nervous, but when I stepped on camp property I knew this was where I was supposed to be. I knew this because the kids were kind, counselors were nice, and everything was well run. For example, the kids never make fun of each other, the counselors always do fun things and the activities are great also. Personally, I liked the high ropes course, soccer, ceramics, tennis, and cooking. When you are at camp there is always something to do so you are never bored. When I was at camp I became a lot more confident- I am not a big fan of swimming but at camp I learned how to do dive deeply. In camp I learned things, made friends and so much more! When I came home from camp I really missed camp and I still do now. Camp is a great place to be.