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Chilton B

hometown Asheville, NC
3 Year Staff Member • 2016-2018
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When I was an upper camp counselor, my bunk and I were getting ready for the ultimate adventure which is the famous Twins and Bonds traverse. We got all of our gear packed and ready for the journey ahead! We were dropped off at the bottom of the mountains and dove right into the tough climbing through the mountains. There were numerous tough climbs with priceless views at every summit. We all had to push ourselves, encourage each other, and stay positive as we covered the terrain. This is when real relationships were built. We had numerous meaningful conversations and my kids heard every single one of my motivational stories to keep them fired up. We got to set up camp and work as a team to cook together and then watched the sunset before bed. The next day we got to see the coolest views, see the tallest cliffs, and we even got to taste a cloud! We set up camp at a lower elevation the next night and got poured on by the rain. The fun thing was everyone was laughing and staying positive, knowing it was going to make a good story! The last day we got to hike the rest of the way down the mountain, got to explore and swim in the calm parts of the river (which helped with our smell) and then later on got picked up by camp. On the way back we got to have the most phenomenal pizza!

This traverse was magical in many ways. It really made us thankful for the little things we have and appreciate what this world has to offer. We learned to look at the positives when things don’t go the way we planned. There was a ton of teamwork occurring when we climbed multiple mountains. Everyone encouraged each other to get through the difficult parts. Through all of the teamwork and fun we felt like family. We learned a lot on this adventure. Not only good things for camp, but skills that we can use in the real world for the rest of our lives.